24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 19

Winner for Day 19: Congratulations to Esther M!

I am so thrilled to say that I’ve just started to distribute the audiobook version of my Regency historical novel, A DANGEROUS MADNESS. The talented Shiromi Arserio is my narrator, and I’m thrilled with the way it all worked out. The prize in the draw today is US and Canada ONLY I am afraid, as those are the rules for the giveaway codes I’ve been given, so only commenters from those two countries can go into the draw.

Shiromi lives in the US, but she is British, and that’s one of the reasons I chose her as my narrator, as I liked the idea of a book set in London being read by someone from the UK. Do you have any thoughts about the accent of the narrator when you listen to audiobooks?

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 18

Helena is our winner for Day 18! Congratulations πŸ™‚

It’s Day 18 and I have a special treat for everyone today. One lucky commenter will win an audio book of GLADIATOR by my good friend, science fiction romance author Anna Hackett.

You can hear a sample of GLADIATOR here.

My question today is do you enjoy audio books? Do you mix them in with reading?

Learn more about GLADIATOR and Anna Hackett.

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 17

There was going to be 5 winners, but as there were 6 people commenting, I’m calling a win for everyone, so congratulations to the *6* winners: Jordana, fichen1, Carol, J.Lee, Esther & Kareni

For Day 17, I’ve got a special treat. My friend and long-standing critique partner, who reads all my work before anyone else does, Edie Ramer, is offering 5 e-copies of her romantic suspense novel THE TRUTH ABOUT LOVE & MURDER to 5 lucky commenters.

Edie sets her books in small towns and her characters are very real. I love reading small town settings, there is something of the armchair traveller in me when I do. What about you? Do you like stories set in small towns, where everyone knows everyone else’s business?

Learn more about The Truth About Love & Murder.

24 Days if Holiday Giveaways: Day 16

The winner for Day 16 is Elizabeth. Congratulations!

Today is Day 16! Congratulations on the winners so far, but there are plenty of prizes left to come πŸ™‚

The prize in the draw today is a signed, print copy of The Emperor’s Conspiracy, the first book in my Regency London series. There are three books in the series and they are connected, but can easily be read as standalones.

One thing I enjoyed when the book first came out was the readers who emailed me to let me know they had read the book thinking the idea of Napoleon trying to empty England of its gold was just my fictional plot, until they read the author’s note and realized it was a real conspiracy. The City of Smugglers was real, too. What was the most unexpected thing you’ve read in a novel that you found out later was historically accurate?

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 15

The winner for Day 15 is: fichen1

I’ve got a special guest for Day 15! Veronica Scott is an awesome science fiction romance author, but she’s also a tireless advocate for the SFR genre and writes for numerous blogs and online magazines, promoting and steering readers toward SFR. She’s a gem! The prize for one lucky commenter today is a copy of Veronica’s SFR novel AYDARR.

Veronica’s Badari Warrior series is all about genetically enhanced super soldiers and is full of action and romance. If you could have some enhanced capabilities, what would you choose? I’ll go first and say enhanced sight – I’ve always been short-sighted and would love to see clearly into the distance! πŸ™‚

Learn more about AYDARR and Veronica Scott.

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 14

Congratulations to today’s winners: Riley and Sandra!

Day 14 – week two is over!

My prize today is two signed copies of In A Treacherous Court, my debut novel, which was published through Simon & Schuster’s Gallery Books imprint.

What I really loved about writing IATC was that my character, Susanna Horenbout, was a real person and she was such an interesting character to explore. Several of her descendants have contacted me to let me know what a thrill it was for them to see their many-greats grandmother the heroine of a historical series. What real character from history would you like to see as the main character in a book?

Learn more about In a Treacherous Court.

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 13

Lucky Day 13 winner: Melissa! Congratulations πŸ™‚

Day 13, and I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am.

First up, my friend Jenny Schwartz is giving away her science fiction holiday-themed novella, Jingle Stars, on Amazon for the next five days (get it here. Everyone is a winner, today!

Also, one commenter will go into the draw to win a copy of A Dangerous Madness, my historical romantic thriller about the (real life) assassination of the British Prime Minister in 1812.

Holiday-themed books are always fun. So are holiday themed movies. My kids and I just watched The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black the other night and so enjoined seeing it again. What’s your favorite holiday themed book or movie?

More about Jingle Stars and A Dangerous Madness.

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 12

Day 12 Winner: Congratulations to Colleen C.

We are at the halfway point, and today, my good friend Anna Hackett is generously offering two books to a lucky commenter!

Anna and I spend many hours writing in cafes together. Anna’s Galactic Gladiators series has won awards and has a massive following, because gladiators in space – duh! πŸ™‚ She’s offering Gladiator and Warrior, the first two books in the series, to a lucky commenter today.

Anna’s books are connected, with the characters each getting their own story and time to shine. Do you like series, and can you pick a favourite (I seriously can’t!)?

Learn more about Galactic Gladiators.

24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 11

Day 11 winners: Congratulations to Ellen, Lynn, Heather and Suze.

Day 11 and more real, thrilling history! I grew up in KwaZulu-Natal, and studied the Anglo-Zulu War at university, as well as often visiting the sites of the battles of the war. As such, my historical novel Daughter of the Sky is one in which I feel a very strong sense of place.

Today, I’m giving away four e-copies of Daughter of the Sky to four commenters. Daughter of the Sky was previously mentioned in a Historical Novelists Society panel because of it’s unusual setting. While it is set during the Victorian era, which is a common time period, very few books of that era are set in Zululand.

My question today is do you like to take a chance on books set in places you’ve either never heard of or don’t know much about, or do you tend to gravitate toward the standard London or India setting of most Victorian-set novels?

Learn more about Daughter of the Sky.