24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 13

Lucky Day 13 winner: Melissa! Congratulations πŸ™‚

Day 13, and I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am.

First up, my friend Jenny Schwartz is giving away her science fiction holiday-themed novella, Jingle Stars, on Amazon for the next five days (get it here. Everyone is a winner, today!

Also, one commenter will go into the draw to win a copy of A Dangerous Madness, my historical romantic thriller about the (real life) assassination of the British Prime Minister in 1812.

Holiday-themed books are always fun. So are holiday themed movies. My kids and I just watched The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black the other night and so enjoined seeing it again. What’s your favorite holiday themed book or movie?

More about Jingle Stars and A Dangerous Madness.

8 thoughts on “24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 13

  1. J.Lee Conaway

    I guess, since it’s getting on towards Christmas, that my favorite holiday themed movie for this time of year would have to be “Year Without a Santa”. I love Heat Miser and Cold Miser…well, their songs.

  2. Kareni

    Hello again, Michelle, and happy holidays. I’m not a movie watcher so have nothing to contribute in that line. As regards books, I can’t think of ONE particular title that I favor; however, I’ll mention the shorter holiday themed stories of Carla Kelly and Mary Balogh as being good reads.

  3. Ellen

    Love Actually!
    But if I had to pick one to watch with my kids it’d be The 12 Dates of Christmas.
    Love The Holiday also – Jude Law is yummmmy.

  4. Melissa

    My favorite holiday-themed movie is Scrooged! Bill Murray and Karen Allen star in a remake of A Christmas Carol, and I adore it. The guest star list is truly impressive, and Murray is his usual hilariously sardonic self. I have to watch it every year, and occasionally in the summer too.

    For TV it’s also ‘Year Without a Santa’. I like the Misers and how Mother Nature bosses them around. πŸ™‚

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