24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 2

Congratulations to the winners: Charl & Melissa!

We’re back for day 2!

I live in Australia, so our end of year holiday season is very different to most of my family in the UK and the USA’s. High temperatures, trips to the beach, and lots of suncream πŸ™‚

The prize today is two ebook copies of my box set of Interference (a 25,000 word novella) and Insurgency (a 45,000 word short novel) which kicks off my new Verdant String series. I love writing series, but I also love to spread my writing wings, and my solution was the Verdant String, a universe big enough for me to write a whole lot of different stories, but all set in the same world. Breakaway and Breakeven are the first full length novels of the series, and while they can be read as standalones, they do compliment each other.

The Verdant String novel I’m working on now does follow on from what happens in Breakeven but also very much stands on its own. Those who’ve read all the books in the series might be more familiar with what’s going on in the bigger picture, but it isn’t necessary to the enjoyment of the story. While I’m a good way into the new book, I still haven’t come up with a good title, so I can’t tell you what it’s going to be called, but as soon as I know, I’ll let you know, too πŸ™‚

The question today is about how you experience the holiday season. Cold and snow, sun and high temperatures, or something in-between?

Learn more about Interference and Insurgency

28 thoughts on “24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 2

  1. Anca B.

    Hi, Michelle, love your books and I can’t wait for the next book in Verdant String series. I already have your books in ebook format, so you don’t need to put my name in the draw. I live in Europe , so my holiday season will definitily be cold and snowy.

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Thank you, Anca πŸ™‚ While I love warm weather, we’ve just gone through the driest November since 1957, so a bit of rain and snow would be awesome πŸ™‚

  2. Ellen

    Growing up in southern California mountains, we had Christmases with warm shorts weather, Christmases with snow and everything in between.

  3. Colleen C.

    I live in Dallas, Texas. It could be cold it could be warm. Yesterday it was 70, next week we are expecting g 40’s!

  4. Melissa

    Warm and rainy here this weekend, in the American South. We won’t get actual autumn temperatures until the end of the week, when the rain will finally stop.

  5. Lola

    We mostly have cold temperatures here during the holiday season, sometimes snow, but not each year or if we have snow it is often earlier or later in the year, but not during Christmas itself.

    I have Breakaway on my wishlist and have one of the novella’s already, but not the other one.

  6. Kareni

    I currently live in a city in the US with with cold (but not frigid) winters; I lived in Australia and New Zealand as a child though so I remember those warm summer holidays at Christmas time.

    Happy holidays to you and yours, Michelle!

  7. Helen Rousse

    Happy Holidays to all, I live in Orlando, Florida where its usually warm and beach weather pretty much all year but grew up in NY and miss the snow but husband hates the cold so we compromised , he says “Yes Dear” when I want to go back but only for a really long weekend.He is a Keeper and I’m keeping him.

  8. Ann Brookens

    It warmed up here in Central Illinois yesterday, so we got tornadoes! And, no, that is NOT my preferred weather! At least the Thanksgiving snow melted…

  9. J.Lee Conaway

    What we get all depends. This time of year is always cold for us, but sometimes it’s cold, wet rain, sometimes it’s cold,dry and cloudy and sometimes we get snow and icicles. And if we’re extremely lucky, we might get sunshine! Me? I stay inside, nice and warm with my fleece blankets to curl up under and I read, watch DVDs, or play games on the computer. I finally got to order Dark Minds, so this year I will be re-reading the Class 5 series of books straight through. I love those books!!

  10. Diane DesAutels

    I’m in New York state, the southern Hudson River Valley, and a proper Christmas here is obviously under a blanket of white. We haven’t had that much snow the past few years, though. As long as it’s not TOO much, or gone so soon that I’m left asking myself, Why did I bother shoveling?!, I’m hoping we’ll have a snowier time this year. The best is when the weather clears but stays cold, so one can go “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”, with the sun sparkling off the snow and icicles.

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Diane, yes! The winer wonderland looks so beautiful, although I’m aware there is a lot of work that results from snow – although I only understand that because I’ve been told πŸ™‚ I’ve always lived in sunny climes πŸ™‚

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