24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 1

Day 1 WINNERS: Tracy W and Megan: Congratulations!

It’s the season to be jolly, and give gifts!

I’m celebrating what has been a really amazing year with 24 days of giveaways, and some of my author friends are participating, as well. Every day, I’ll be giving away either an ebook, an audio book, or some other prize, and everyone is welcome to join in. Simply comment below to automatically get your name into the draw.

The prize today is two ebook copies of my first science fiction romance novel, DARK HORSE. It took me 8 months to write and caused me a great deal of angst, as it was my first foray into the SF genre, and as an historical fiction author, I really felt I was in unchartered waters. I followed my gut, though, because I loved writing it so much, and it changed the course of my writing career.

Have you ever taken a sharp right turn in life, where you thought you were going one way, and ended up going another?

Find out more about DARK HORSE

48 thoughts on “24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 1

  1. Cherry Ganzer-Budd

    So happy to discover your Sci Fi romance novels. I had read a Dangerous Madness, and that lead me to your Class 5 series, which is fantastic. Since then I’ve read The Verdant String and Susanna Horenbout series.

  2. Olivera

    I’m so happy you ended up with Dark horse because it’s one of my favorite books. I hope you will write more in that universe. I have all your books and I also hope they will be made as audio books. Looking forward to your next books

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Hi Olivera, thank you! I have a vaguely formed idea for a novella in the Class 5 series, which I’ll try to work on in the new year :). The whole Class 5 series is in audio book form, and I’m happy to say that an audio book of my best selling historical novel, A DANGEROUS MADNESS, is about to be released, and I’ll be putting up some copies of it as prizes later in this giveaway.

  3. Brooke Wilson

    This is my favourite Sci Fi book, not just of yours but EVER. It’s such a detailed work and you really care about Rose, Sazo and Dav.

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Thank you so much, Brooke! It was one of those stories that just wouldn’t let me go. I was busy writing a historical novel set in the 1920s and Dark Horse just kept intruding. I’m glad I set what I was doing aside and followed my heart πŸ™‚

  4. Bernie L Hollingsworth

    I have read the Class 5 series on UK. It was great. It is a worthy reread!. The Verdant String is pretty awesome also. Branching out into your other series.

  5. Jodie e

    Rights turns are common in my life, and more often than not they turn out for the better. Thank goodness for yours, it’s turned out fantastically for your readers 😊

  6. Ellen

    I was pursuing a career in academia, but i found it took me away from my family too much. I gave it up for a less glamorous job with much shorter hours.

  7. Tracy Wickman

    Yes, I thought I would be a pharmacist. When I started college I was like nope this is not for me, I found out that I love being in the lab.

  8. Carol Grams

    I love your Class 5 series and was sad that you had a last-in-series in mind. This was while waiting forever for book 3, I think, or maybe book 2. I had a difficult time reading any SF romance after your series. I didn’t want to lose the feeling. The mention of a novella has my hopes up.

  9. Kareni

    I enjoyed Dark Horse as well as both sequels, Michelle, so thank you for writing them. Any chance of more stories in that universe? Wishing you happy holidays!

  10. Lilly

    I have read the novels several times, and enjoyed them so much that I have started listening them as well!

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      Thank you, Lilly! The narrator for the Class 5 series, Christina Delaine, just won a Voice Arts Award for Best Audiobook Narration for a thriller she narrated. She is so awesome!

  11. J.Lee Conaway

    I won a paperback copy of Dark horse from you before, so I’m not looking to win this time. I just wanted to post and say thanks for doing something fun for your readers this time of year. I know that I, for one, appreciate it.

  12. Megan

    I also loved your historical works and they led me to your SF books! ❀️❀️❀️

  13. Sahar Husseini

    Thank you for the giveaway. Yes, I think we believe we have a plan, but often times, life takes us where it wants us to go. This is not always a bad thing, smile.

  14. Nancy Shaw

    Thank you so much for giving me a chance to read another kind of book. I am glad you are having a contest for your readers like me.

  15. Laura

    I happened upon Dark Horse by accident but was quickly hooked. Now the Class 5 series is my favorite sci-fi series and I recommend them all the time! I’ve enjoyed all of your other books as well. You’ve become an automatic buy author for me.

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