24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 22

Congratulations to J.Lee, you are the winner today!

Day 22, and I’m giving away a signed copy of Banquet of Lies.

I had the idea for Banquet of Lies years and years before I wrote it, and I loved the research I did for it, as I am a very enthusiastic cook and I got to look over all kinds of recipes. One of the fun things I watched was an Antonin Carem recipe recreation by British chef Heston Blumenthal. Antonin Carem was my inspiration for the chefs in the story, and there are quite a few chefs 🙂 (And a lot of ladies of the night, too :)). I also included most of the recipes in the book on my website, if you’re interested in recreating some of them – click here.

What’s your favorite recipe, and is there a special occasion you always make it for?

13 thoughts on “24 Days of Holiday Giveaways: Day 22

  1. J.Lee Conaway

    I have different recipes depending on whim. LOL Most times, I do either turkey (dark meat only) and stuffing or ham for the Yuletide holidays, then ham at Easter. Lately, my favorite recipe has been a Greek lamb dish called arnipsito. I really like that one.

  2. Sandra

    I don’t have a single favourite recipe – I love food too much to pick one. But i do like things that are fairly quick and easy to prepare. I really love trying different salads and of course desert. I have a fantastic fudge recipe which gets dusted off each Christmas and I spent today cutting recipes out of the free Christmas magazine from the local Woollies. I will definitely be trying out the black forest truffle one.

  3. Luzhelena Werner

    After “Dark Horse” and “Dark Deeds” the first book of yours that I came across was “Banquet of Lies” and to this day is still my favorite. I love the idea that a cook has so much going on and still manages to produce such wonderful menus.
    I like to dabble in the kitchen too but my family is too multi-ethnic and we don’t have a consensus for “A” favorite recipe but usually for the holidays we have roasted turkey, ham, cranberry chutney, sweet potato and corn soufflé , and that is exactly what we are having this Monday since that is the day we celebrate Christmas.

  4. Carol

    My mom’s bbq brisket or beef enchiladas. But I almost never make them since I live alone & they feed 6-8 people or more.

    1. Michelle Diener Post author

      It’s a problem, Carol. When I’m the only one around, I end up making cheese on crackers, LOL! As opposed to last night, when I made duck a l’orange. I just wouldn’t have done that if it was just me. I suppose the secret is reducing the proportions so we still make ourselves amazing things 🙂

  5. Carol

    My mom’s bbq brisket or beef enchiladas. But I almost never make them because I live alone & they feed 6-8 people or more.

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